Monday, October 21, 2013

Current Obsessions

                                      Fashion Obsessions 
1. Boots/ Booties 
2. Scarves 
3. Lace Trimmed Socks 
4. Leggings/ Jeggings 
5. Colored Jeans 
6. Maroons and most dark colors 
7. Fun Tights 
8. Beanies(the hats)
9. Cozy Sweaters 
10. Circle Skirts 
                       Makeup Obsessions 
1. Dark Nail Polish 
(sorry I don't wear that much makeup)
                       FOOD Obsessions 

1. Pizza 
2. Pumpkin Spice Tea
3. Grapefruit 
4. Hot Cheetos 
5. Sprite in the glass bottles 
6. PIE! 
 Thanks for reading!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Top Ten Best Tips and Tricks for Fashion

                              The Top Ten Best Tips and Tricks 
                                           for Fashion 
Tip 1: To remove a red wine stain use white wine
Tip 2: If you are petite and would like to give the allusion of longer legs use  nude pumps
Tip 3: Always highlight your most prominent feature
Tip 4: If you are cleaning out your closet look at a piece and ask your self "Would I buy this now?" 
Tip 5: If you don't know what to wear in the morning start with shoes and build off there color, print and design.
Tip 6: Do NOT let cardigans eat you up use a belt to highlight your figure
Tip 7:  If your going to buy something try to imagine 3 outfits with the pieces you own, if you can't don't buy it!
Tip 8: Think of 3 reasons to buy before you do it. Don't make them up!
Tip 9: If you hate your body in something that is your body warning you you will never wear it again 
Tip 10: Always follow your own style don't change for anyone

For a Girl on the Go

       Hey Fashionistas! 
Whats up? Its me, Rye Sea, and today we will be talking about how 2 simple pieces can make an outfit when adding small details to perfect it. Lets get Started! 
   I just composed this picture on Polyvore to make a statement for the "girl on the go" or a girl in a rush. 
 For a girl on the go!These pieces are some of my personal favorites for fall. Lots of you can't do a crop top in the fall but in Phoenix you can get away with it  without freezing your booty off. But I recommend a cardigan and tights anyways. All of these pieces are great for a fall wardrobe there cozy yet fashionable and suitable for school or work. 2 basic pieces such as a skirt and tights, jeans and a black tee or even leggings and boots all can be re-worn with a different cardigan or shirt and make a completely different outfit every time.  
Make Sure to:
.Use colors and patterns that work with the colors of your basics.
.Do not use the same color throughout the whole outfit. If you have all black on bottom try to use purple or another fun color on top. 
. Mix patterns that work together. 
. And most important keep it simple you don't want to make it complicated, its meant to be easy. 
Love your Guys,